New Project: Warlock – Tower of Fentrax
Warlock – Tower of Fentrax is a CRPG primarily focused on the dangers of the world in which it takes place, with a decidedly player-versus-environment (PvE) focus. Far from simply subjecting you to an endless torrent of enemies, Tower of Fentrax aims to re-create many of the perils that real-world adventurers risk all the time:
What if you get sick on your journey through the world? What if the forced march of the last few days has destroyed your boots? Or even simpler: What if you are hungry and have nothing to eat? What if you are tired and far away from home? These (and many other) questions, just like the consequences of your response to them will play a major role in ToF.
None of which is to say, of course, that the game won’t pit you against plenty of more traditional RPG foes.
Tower of Fentrax is very much a classical RPG with a style that is obviously inspired by the earlier Ultima games. At present, the developer is using alpha tilesets to test the game’s engine and systems, but it’s reasonable to assume that he’ll upgrade the game tiles as development progresses. There are no available downloads yet, but a few screenshots have been released:
The world editor.
Character paperdolling!
Preliminary dungeon tileset.
The main game interface.
Of course, I have added a project entry.
So what’s the requirement to get a CRPG/retro/oldschool project mentioned here? Just Ultima-ish influence?
Don’t take this the wrong way, I’ve never seen the question asked/answered before.
That’s basically it, yeah. I mean, the influences have to at least be a bit obvious, or else it has to be a somewhat obvious parody, but that’s still a pretty open definition.
People usually let me know about projects that are in some way Ultima-inspired, and I try post these as I become aware of them. I’m not as good at checking them for updates on a regular schedule, but I try.
Are you aware of any project(s) I’ve missed?
Actually I’ve just noticed you have no project entry for “Teudogar and the Alliance with Rome”:
Which is basically Ultima VII in ancient Rome as you can see from the screenshots. There is a free trial one can test to get a feel of the game.
While we’re at it you could probably mention Wolf Mittag’s next upcoming game Darghul, which seems to use an enhanced Teugodar engine and thus looks a lot like Ultima VII as well.
This makes me think of a mix between Ultima and Magic Candle. Let’s see what happens
One last question, do these projects have to be for Windows/Mac/Linux/Handheld? Are you open to other platforms; ie: older platforms with in development CRPGs?
renaak: Any platform, basically; there’s even a pen-and-paper RPG on the site.
You’re sitting on something, aren’t you?
ToF looks like it’s going to be awesome from what I’ve seen here and on their web site. I absolutely love the stuff about getting sick when sleeping outside in bad weather. It’s also scarily similar to what I’m doing with my project. ToF and Sancti may end up being the only two RPGs that require you to take a shit on a regular basis, haha.
Call me soft, but I prefer not to have to manage my character’s bowel tract in ANY game. Even if they released Poop Tycoon, I’d pass on micromanaging toilet visits.
/me looks under his cushion on the chair
Nope, nothing there but worn away wooden chair. 😉
TI-99/4a based CRPG ->
C64 based CRPG titled “Crimson Twilight” ->
renaak: Neat! I’ll give those a look.
Thanks for the links, Sergorn, I’ve never heard of those.
More details about the TI-99/4a CRPG here ->
Old, but Adamantyr is still working on the game based on his blog posts.
@WtF: Haha, funny. Maybe Poop Tycoon will be my next game.
I think the feature will help humanize the game, which I’m trying to do as much as possible. The more abstract and unrealistic a game is, the weaker the emotional connection it will have with the players. A weak emotional connection will result in players engaging in behavior they would never consider in real life, which I’m trying to minimize. The same goes for hunting. The occasional sloppy kill and what ensues will make players feel it’s an animal, not just a bitmap that magically turns into meat after attacking it.
@Renaak: Glad your chair is in good order! 🙂
RoA looks pretty cool. Love the old school graphics.