New Download: Ultima 4 EGA Graphics Patch
Before the VGA upgrade patch for Ultima 4 was released, an EGA version of the same patch existed…though it seems to have all but vanished from the Internet in the wake of its higher-quality replacement.
But, thanks to Dungy (from the Codex of Ultima Wisdom) and Dino the Dark Dragon (indirectly), Ultima Aiera now has a copy of that patch available for download.
He also, quite thoughtfully, included a few screenshots for you all to enjoy:
Lord British
A moongate
This package should also include Wiltshire’s PARTY.EXE utility, which allows you to change the icon representing the Avatar in the game. The last screenshot above is of that utility in action.
I don’t recognize the location in that last picture, the dialog, the character condition E, nor the ability to break a spell using Q. Does the graphics patch do more than just patch graphics?
I was about to ask the same question. Never seen a Silver Gate in any of the gate either as I recall.
The last screen is actually a utility made by Josh Steele to allow the user to change the “Avatar” party tile. There are about 12 different options, including a creepy shadowlord. Note that this will also change the tile used to represent Lords of the principle castles.
Very innovative work on the part of Joshua “Wiltshire Dragon” Steele. I have a few extra screenshots of use of this tilset in DOSbox if you’d like Ken.
Darren: I’ll gladly welcome screenshots…and a copy of that utility, since I don’t think I have it on the site here!
WTF Dragon, I thought I sent that patch to you via mail a long time ago along with a lot of other patches and programs about Ultima.
I’m not saying this because I want credit or anything, but because I wonder if you ever received that mail or not :/.
Natreg: You did, yes, and being the asshat that I am I still have not dived through that archive and updated the site content accordingly.
I’m going to have to start doing so gradually, rather than all at once as I had hoped.
Being swamped sucks sometimes.