Forgotten World: Book Editor Almost Finished
Hot on the heels of the recent news that they had figured out how to add new book and scroll content to Ultima 9, the Forgotten World team have announced that the editor application they will be using to add new material to the game is nearly complete.
As such, Iceblade has posted a screenshot of the editor in action:
Write new books for Britannia!
He also explains the plan forward for this editor:
It is nearly complete only lacking one or two minor features and a few cosmetic changes. Once those have been completed, I will require a few people for some beta testing, so I’m currently taking volunteers from the community. The main reason for the outside beta test is to get some feedback from the community regarding the editor since I will be releasing it to the public in a few weeks or less.
While on the whole, this editor’s usefulness is limited given the simple format of the books.flx file, the task has provided me with valuable insight into Python GUI programming. As a result, other editors (mainly a scheduling editor) will be developed with a much faster pace.
On the subject of books, there are no limits on the number of books/recipes/etc you can submit. If you have a submission or wish to beta test, you can contact us via the usual channels list on the Team and Contact page.
So keep those submissions coming!