Announcing: Lord and Lady British!

The Wing Commander CIC is reporting that Ultima creator and private astronaut Richard “Lord British” Garriott and his fiancé Laetitia Pichot de Cayeux were married in a small ceremony in Paris, France, last Friday.

And indeed, Garriott himself tweeted about the plans for the wedding reception, remarking on the thousands of guests expected to be there, the costume changes for him and his bride, and (naturally) the giant Soyuz-shaped cake.

I trust you Dragons and Dragonettes will join me in wishing the happy couple a lengthy, happy, and fruitful marriage. The question now becomes: will we encounter Laetitia at all in New Britannia? And, if so, under what title?

Update: Wedding cake! Sadly, not Soyuz-shaped…but still awesome:

[singlepic id=1274 w=402 h=301 float=center]

A fine family crest!

As Garriott himself explains:

My snake pendant enter twines with my wife’s de Cayeux family emblem pretty well! We now have our own symbol!

He actually goes by the full name Richard Garriott de Cayeux now; it seems he took his wife’s last name (or regional designation, more accurately, since “de Cayeux” would be “of/from Cayeux” in English). Thanks goes to Browncoat Jayson in the comments for the link to the photo.

6 Responses

  1. Scythifuge Dragon says:

    Congratulations to Richard Garriott & Laetitia! Waes Hail!

  2. Sanctimonia says:

    Great news. I’d always wondered about good old LB… I wonder no more.

  3. MicroMagic says:

    Huzzah! Now the world will be blessed by little Richard Garriotts running around.

    Think he’ll name his first born son RG jr? I do!

    • WtF Dragon says:

      I suppose it’s always possible.

      I seem to recall reading an article some years ago in which his bride-to-be talked about her desire to have children. I…don’t believe she was dating Garriott at the time, but I don’t imagine the desire aforementioned has changed all that much.

      Garriott too has talked about his love of family and want for kids, so I expect we will see a young Garriottling come along at some point. That said, I wish them luck, because it’s a lot harder to have healthy kids when you’re starting the whole baby-making enterprise at a later age.

  4. Richard Garriott posted a photo of their wedding cake on Google+:

    I like this as a flag, too. I can imaging this hanging in the throne room of Lord and Lady British, somewhere in New Britannia…