Serpent Isle For Oblivion: Moonshade In The Works

Thepal posted news a few days ago announcing that he has moved on from working on Fawn in his Oblivion-based remake of Serpent Isle. He is now working on Moonshade, ans has posted the first screenshot therefrom…the automaton barmaid Petra:

[singlepic id=965 w=500 h=281 float=center]

Why am I having Metropolis flashbacks?

Thepal comments that his modelling skills have been increasing, allowing him to develop in hours or minutes what might have taken him a day or more to do when working on Fawn. Presumably, this means that more fine screenshots from the City of (Dishonest) Mages will be forthcoming in the next few days!

(via Petrell)

4 Responses

  1. Gulluoglu says:

    Still looking great, Thepal!

  2. Scythifuge Dragon says:


  3. Marquillin says:

    Onward and upward!

  4. Saxon1974 says:

    Looks great hope it gets finished!