Scythifuge continues generating phenomenal pixel art for his Exult-based remake of Savage Empire, including stackable waterfalls, giant wasps, and a (very) large bear.
Thepal continues his work on his Oblivion-based remake of Serpent Isle. He has finished with Fawn for now, and has begun work on Moonshade, the first screenshot from which is of the automaton barmaid Petra.
Richard Garriott delivered the keynote speech at the LOGIN 2011 conference, in which he articulated his belief that the “third era” of video games — casual, social gaming — is well underway.
Noah “Spoony” Antwiler reviews Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle, and much hilarity ensues. It’s a fair enough review, though even this great game doesn’t escape criticism entirely.
Since I’ll be spending most of today in the air, and most of the weekend away from my keyboard, there probably won’t be much in the way of articles posted to the site until Monday. Though I’ll try and check comments from time to time, and will have access to email whilst in airports and my hotel.
The Ultima Dragons are on Facebook; let’s get them on Twitter as well. It’s actually easier than it sounds, and could be done as easily as adopting the use of a common hashtag like “#udic”.
Development on Sanctimonia, the work-in-progress Ultima-inspired online game by Kevin Fishburne, proceeds apace. The implementation of scenery objects (trees and suchlike) is still being worked on.
A recently-unearthed video from the 1992 Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago reveals that a Sega Genesis-based port of Ultima Underworld was in the works for the Sega CD. Alas, it never saw the light of day.
Apple-focused developer LairWare have released an updated version of their OS X port of Ultima 3, which adds better localization options and fixes a compatibility issue.