xu4 Snapshots Updated…Again!
Petrell wrote me to let me know that xu4 had recently seen both its Windows and Mac OS X snapshots updated, apparently to include an updated VGA2 tileset for Ultima 4 that had been part of a recent source commit. This enhancement of the original VGA tileset adds a higher-resolution UI frame and font, sharper moon icons, and Ultima 9-style tarot cards for the virtue casting sequence.
I have updated the snapshot downloads for both operating systems at the xu4 project entry; they can also of course be obtained from the project website.
And thanks to Dominus in the comments to my previous news post about xu4, I can show you a screenshot of Andrew Taylor’s vastly improved higher-resolution interface for the game, which is part of the VGA2 tileset upgrade:
Looks great, doesn’t it?
That looks really good. I like.
Also, the introduction has been updated to use the cards of virtue from Ultima IX, and the cutscenes have been coloured when using VGA2 mode. The colouring job is actually quite respectable. I approve.
Also, WTF, why can’t I post a message as Dungy? It keeps telling me I’m an impostor. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!
Dungy: there are two ways to post, a. you enter name and email address or b. You registered with the site and you need to enter name and password.
If you registered on the site, the name/emaill address way doesn’t work for that name anymore, so people can’t post with your registered name.
So you have to enter your password now on the top ofthe page 😉
(and this is my fault… Wtf, can’t you rethink about adding the option to remember the password all the time? And sorry for making you work on the site in a way that confuses people)
I can try add a “remember me” checkbox to the front page login. It’s just a question of where to put it.
Then again, I could just pull the login boxes off the main site face and re-map the login button to take everyone to the login page.
I can also disable the plugin, too, because it’s not like we were having any kind of pandemic of people impersonating other people.
Any of these sound like good ideas?
Oh, yeah: Thanks for the update, Dungy. Very cool.
Wtf: it is actually NOT a new tileset. It expands the vga tileset with this new frame, font and sharper moons, and adds the u9 tarot cards and some new cutscenes.
Yes, disable the impersonator again. Silly me, tightening security when there is no problem 😉
Different idea on the checkbox, how about you have a login field in the Leave a Reply part and add the chheckbox there:
Login to post – username field – password field – keep me logged in checkbox – login button
Or post as:
The usual fields
How about that?
There…how does that look?
Looks awesome. I love Ultima IV for IBM-PC, and that screenshot looks amazing.
much better. Minor thing is that you now have two logged in as / logout informations in the reply box
(“Logged in as Dominus. Log out” on top and “Welcome Dominus/ Logout” beneath the reply).
But aside from that I think that’s much better than before and easier to log in and keep logged in – especially when you just scrolled down the comments and want to reply…
Easily fixed; I’ve commented out the “you’re logged in” information above the comments form.
Ooooh…multiple meanings of the word “comment”. Snazzy.
Now if I could just kill that goddamn bullet point by the “logout” link…