Titans of Ether February Update

Thanks to Dino, I was made aware that the Titans of Ether had posted their latest update, for the month of February.

The big news in all of it seems to be that Direhaggis got himself good and hitched to a young lass, so congratulations are in order. Good show, good sir! Naturally, he’s been pre-occupied with things nuptial, and so has done little in the way of work on Redemption apart from some dialogue editing. NTTAWWT.

The rest of the team has continued its work, however. A few more 3D models, mostly pertaining to the fishing system, were developed, work on the smithing tutorial was touched up, and weapon and item icons were implemented. Progress was made on interior areas (presumably for Britain) and Vesper.

In short: no major “oh, hey, wow!”-type developments, but it’s obvious that Redemption is maintaining a steady pace of development. And that’s just fine.