Sanctimonia Updates: Full Screen Rotation and Character Portraits
Kevin Fishburne — who just Slashdotted me, it should be noted — left a couple of comments on the most recent NOT to announce recent developments he has made with Sanctimonia, his Ultima-inspired online game.
First, he has strafing and full screen rotation working (finally), as can be seen in this video:
Rotationy goodness!
He has also added a rudmimentary character portrait creation system:
Rotationy goodness!
He has also begun posting weekly update reports here; those of you running OpenOffice can download and view them.
Thanks, man. I was starting to think I was the bastard child around these parts. 😉
I got some decent elevation data from the USGS today and used GIMP and Littoral to create the first iteration of “New Britannia”. The Falklands are cool, and I think I’m going to include the Orkney Islands as well somewhere off the mainland per your suggestion. Nevertheless, it pains me deeply to say goodbye to an old friend, leaving its future in the hands of people I don’t know.
The reason the player is not drawn in the full screen rotation video is because the function that returns the player’s screen coordinates didn’t take orientation into account. I’m working on modifying it so that the correct screen coordinates are returned. The same conversion function will be used for all objects that need to be placed on the landscape with respect to player orientation such as flora, fauna, other players and [persistent world] objects (PWOs).
Any input about the portrait/avatar creation is greatly appreciated, because as I mentioned in some random post it will be the only way players will be able to identify other players. There will not be usernames over people’s heads or anything goofy like that. So the portrait is pretty important. People won’t be able to have duplicate portraits, either. If player 214 uses “eye texture 27” then no one else will be able to, for example.
“I find thy lack of enthusiasm disturbing,” quoth the medieval Vader de Darthe.
I’m beginning to understand now, actually. My project is not a direct remake or literal descendant of a particular Ultima game. It also harbors shades of UO, which many Ultima fans disdain or abhor. In all, people either think it destined for the Orphanage as before, or to epitomize some errantly-defined successor that will fail the spirit of the game.
While there won’t be a Flash or HTML5 port any time soon, it IS in the spirit of the game. I want it to encompass and surpass that spirit, and become what its creator[s] imagined it to be on their best days of brainstorming.
What Richard envisioned in his closet is what will be playing out in the reality of my game. He’s less naive than I am, but as he was strengthened then by his naiveté and confidence, so will I be. That which has not been done will be, and that which HAS been done will be honored and preserved.
[End of marketing campaign. :)]
I like where this is going.
Gracias. Espero que para preservar la magia de Ultima. Las plantas, los animales y combatir será excelente. La gente será capaz de tener relaciones sexuales y criar a sus hijos. La gente no va a vivir para siempre.