Richard Garriott Has Cool, Ancient Toys
Which he evidently shared with Martha Stewart at some point:
She is spellbound.
Some of you Dragons and Dragonettes have probably already seen this, and if so…well, good for you. I was actually just made aware of it not too long ago, after someone Tweeted about it. (Must’ve been a re-run.)
It’s just…just cool. Although I think milord didst confuse a mace and a flail when he spake about such implements.
Also: Apparently, in more “current events” news, Garriott underwent a bit of minor surgery to “revise” a surgical scar, which was in turn apparently from having a piece of his liver removed as a prerequisite for his flight into space. Now you know.
hmmm, he doesn’t seem to have anyone in his life…
Dominus: This interview is a couple of years old, at least. He very evidently has someone now. 😉
Josh: Oh?
I just noticed a strange similarity between tom green and richard garriot.
ah, looking at his Twitter it becomes clear who is his someone now 🙂
And the interview can’t be too old, after all he talks about his flight to space flight. Probably the date of the video is kind of correct on YouTube which makes it about 1 1/2 years old (I’m a nitpicker, sorry).
Interesting other video about LB
I also covered the someone angle here. 😉
That video is…yeah, okay, let’s go with “interesting”. And I think the guy who posted it is right: “This is what happens when a mask of the lead developer is available in a game that has…”
…well, actually, that’s basically just what happens when the lead developer’s face is available in the game, period. People kid because they love…right?