Beautiful Britannia Adds New Water Textures

Firstknight sent me an email to announce another two awesome screenshots which were released at the Forgotten World website today:

Now I’ve finished one of the most difficult tasks so far, and created a new set of water textures.

I have to mention that the texture edges could be seen, especially when nearby and under certain view angles, but this was also the case with the original texture set. The reason is, that the textures of this set are changed and rotated very often within the animation sequence. However, I tried to find a good compromise, and the whole effect is definitly an improvement, especially when seen in movement.

Further I’ve reworked the grass texture, it now has more contrast, and looks better, when seen from the distance.

The latest two “Awesome screens” gives an impression, how this all looks like.

Here are a pair of sample screenshots. These are scaled down versions; the originals can be found on the screenshots page at the Forgotten World/Beautiful Britannia site.

[singlepic id=883 w=500 h=400 float=center]

I think this is near Yew.

[singlepic id=884 w=500 h=400 float=center]

Or is it Minoc? I can never remember.


Viriathus makes a good progress on the LB castle tetxures, so expect some fresh screens here soon.

Finally, Firstknight issues a disclaimer and a tease:

The water set was definitly very tricky, but you have to see this Ingame (when I’ve provided the Release later this year); a screen cannot show the cool animation effect.

Week by week and month by month, this team continues to make Ultima 9 look better than ever; their next release is going to be phenomenal. Now if they could just find a way to make bloom and other advanced shader effects work inside the engine…

3 Responses

  1. Ergosphere says:

    A new water texture is what I’ve really been waiting for, thank you Firstknight!

    And I have to say the grass texture looks much better.

  2. Firstknight says:

    Yeah, modern render technologies would allow fantasic effects, but that’s beyond our possibilities, not only atm but also for the next years, if not forever.

    But still it’s suprising for myself, how much better a game of 1999 looks with this improvements, and that with using our quite simple capabilities.

    Yes, it makes me both happy and grateful to see, how far we got with our efforts, even with only (around) 10% finished yet.

  3. Firstknight says:

    Oh, and the loaction is…

    …East of Yew.