Sergorn Dragon's Ultima Adventures…will continue!

Offering belated New Year’s greetings, the Ultima Return project lead shares his thoughts on the direction he would like to take his blog — originally devoted to a playthrough of all the Ultima games — in 2011.

It sounds like an interesting venture: playing through Ultima titles from other systems (including some of the ported games, but only the ones in which changes were made), and also playing through titles that are related too (or took inspiration from) the Ultima games.

It’s an interesting challenge; I just envy him the free time he has to play all these classics through to completion!


7 Responses

  1. Handshakes says:

    I did a blog playthrough of Ultima 7 and 8. The most surprising thing I found about them is that if you really just plow through the main storylines they are really short games. U7 particularly, you can totally sprint through everything with nothing more than an invisibility ring and a good idea of where to go next. U8 on the other hand has a bit of unskippable padding in the form of the Necromancer quests, and having to revisit the Catacombs a billion times to get different items, but it still isn’t overly long.

    Yet there are enough non-main storyline offerings in both of the games (moreso U7, to be sure) that you can really be lost in them for days (as I was back when I first played U8 as a kiddo).

  2. WtF Dragon says:

    Handshakes: what would be the URL of the blog chronicling that playthrough?

  3. Saxon1974 says:

    Wow, I would be lucky to finish one Ultima title in a year! Not much time and I tend to not finish games and get sucked into a different one.

    I did finish Ultima III c64 version for the first time in my life in 2008. Im attempting to finish Ultima IV right now.

    • WtF Dragon says:

      You’ve got a kid now, which certainly doesn’t help with that whole “not much free time” thing.

      Not that I’d know from experience or anything. 😉

  4. Sergorn says:

    Yeah from a plot standpoint Ultima VII is actually very short. This is actually one of my major beef with the game: the plotline feels very secondary in the hand and take a backseat as opposed to the virtual world standpoint.

    The virtual world is great, no doubt about it – but I wouldn’t call Ultima VII a plot focused RPG by a longshot. This is also one of the reasons I’ve always prefered Serpent Isle altough this one is almost overly long at times!

    Well it’s not exactly apparent when you just play the game as is, but when blogging about it though, it felt crazy due to the amount of depth and length the game has to offer.

    As for this news, well thanks for the heads up altough I am not quite sure when I’ll resume blogging, not which game I would actually be playing at that point – but I’ll be sure to let you know 😛

  5. Sergorn says:


    You’re not talking about me are you? Cos’ AFAIK I do not have a kid 😛

    • WtF Dragon says:

      No, I thought I was talking to Saxon. Though I did just work 14 hours on a mining truck…I might’ve gotten confused sorting through a dozen new comments. 😉