Oh…I feel old now

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdSHeKfZG7c&fs=1&hl=en_US]

I love it when the kid starts scratching the toy record.

It gets worse when I consider that my grandkids, if ever I have, will probably have no clue what the heck a CD was. They may not even know what a DVD was, since in all probability the whole concept of movies served up on physical media — not to mention movie rental — will be dead within another decade or two.

And don’t get me started on what they’ll probably say when they behold my ancient Canon AE-1 camera, or my “modern” EOS 350D digital SLR: “Eight megapixels, grandpa? Did the pictures even look good?”

4 Responses

  1. Origin Museum says:

    The funniest thing is that even the producers mistook a 5.25 for an 8-inch diskette!
    Yup–we’re officially old!
    Wonder what the kids would’ve thought of a sliderule?! LOL!

  2. I still have my grandfather’s slide rule…somewhere.

  3. I remember someone told me a couple of years ago that a child saw a guy using a typewriter on an old office.

    The child was really impressed to see such a modern computer that had an embedded printer and dispensed the need of a display monitor.

    Yeah… modern indeed.