Beautiful Britannia…is now officially about more than just plants!

Don’t believe me? Feast your eyes on this:

[singlepic id=784 w=500 h=400 float=center]

Towers! The castle has more towers!

Now, Firstknight cautions that it will probably be a few months before we see the next update, though in his short news post he comments that the update will be worth the wait. To prove it, he’s added about a dozen new screenshots to the Beautiful Britannia section of the Forgotten World gallery.

And let me tell you…I don’t think he’s pulling our legs, good Dragons and Dragonettes. But hey…don’t just take my word for it. Check them out for yourself and drop your comments on ’em here. I’m sure you’ll be impressed to.

10 Responses

  1. Saxon1974 says:

    Nice work, I think this will make my first playthrough of this game much more enjoyable! I played it a little but never got that far in Ultima 9.

  2. Kindbud_Dragon says:

    I really like the improvements but I preferred the 2010 look of the foliage to the recent release’s unusually bright colors. Nevertheless, great work; looking forward to future updates!

  3. WtF Dragon says:

    The colours are a bit bright, admittedly. I’ll still take the higher-resolution textures, myself. 🙂

    Firstknight usually drops in to check on comments like this, though, so he’ll probably take note of that. Thanks for the input!

  4. Firstknight says:

    Of course I do (Reading comments frequently).

    Yes, I have to agree that some textures could need a gamma correction, especially when playing with U9BB.EXE.

    So I will make a slightly correction on them.

    Now I,m already curious, how you will like those reworked and more green Mountains from my next Release 2011 R2 then…

  5. Severian says:

    I`ll really glad to see first person view in next releases.

  6. WtF Dragon says:

    Sergorn Dragon can speak to this better than me, but I believe there is already a way to engage — and lock in — a first-person perspective in Ultima 9.

  7. Saxon1974 says:

    I’m curious if the modded version of Ultima 9 that re-adds the plot line and quest stuff that was left out (Basically the version Garriot intended) has been released? Or is that still a work on progress?

    • WtF Dragon says:

      As far as I know, it’s still a work in progress.

      Though I have to ask to which version you are referring? I mean…Beautiful Britannia isn’t about plot modification. That could be a Forgotten World thing some day, but…if so, it’ll be a while before we see anything like that. They’re still working on bugfixes.

      There is Redemption, the remake…is that what you’re referring to?

  8. Saxon1974 says:

    Was thinking of Forgotten World actually, ok I can see how that is alot of work especially since these good people are volunteers with jobs!

    • WtF Dragon says:

      Aye, there is the “Real Life” aspect as well. But there’s also the whole “this game is an amazingly complex piece of software which we don’t yet understand anywhere approaching fully” thing at work, right? They’ve made some incredible strides with U9 in the last year, and I would expect we’ll see more and (even) better from them in 2011 and 2012. That said…well, don’t expect miracles, just yet.