So yesterday ended…badly…
No sooner do I finish unborking the site as much as I am humanly able, when…I am struck down by a stomach bug. Yeah. That sucked, big time. For. The. Lose.
Okay, not quite this bad.
The nice thing about stomach bugs — or possibly food poisoning; we aren’t really sure — is that they tend to pass quickly. Throw up once, suck down a bunch of Gatorade, and things clear up. Mostly. I’m a tad week courtesy of the lack of nutrients, since nothing I ate yesterday stayed eaten (as it were).
But anyhow…the site issues from yesterday have been mostly resolved, but some of you will probably have to re-register as users. That sucks, and I apologize. But I can’t get the database entries back. BuddyPress has been disabled; I’ll restore the standalone User Avatar plugin to working order shortly, and I’ll keep trying to get WP-United cooperating with the site. User integration with the forum is coming…I just don’t know how long it’ll take.
For those to whom I owe a copy of a game on Steam: I’m sorry for the delay, and I should be able to get you your software by this evening. If you want to help expedite the process, add “withstandthefury” as a Steam friend, so I’ll be able to confirm the friend request and pass on a game copy in one swift stroke.