The first annual Aiera Thanksgiveaway continues!
Because Steam is being extra-double awesome today, I’ve been able to expand the first annual Aiera Thanksgiveaway with the addition of Valve’s first-person platformer, Portal. Which, I admit with no small amount of embarrassment, I have also never played before. Sheesh, eh?
This is also an awesome game.
Which leaves me with three copies of Deus Ex and five copies of Portal to pass on to…well, anyone with a Steam account, really.
Thus: if you want a copy of either game, you can do one of three things: a) donate a minimum of $10 to my Movember campaign, b) donate a minimum of $10 to Aiera, or c) drop me a line.
Here’s how it’ll work: the next eight people who make donations will automatically get a copy of the game upon furnishing me with the basic information I need to “gift” a copy to them (i.e. email address and Steam account name). If less than eight people make donations, the remaining copies of the game will be gifted to randomly selected people who, via the contact form, give me their Steam account name (and email address, but that has to be entered in the contact information fields anyhow). If nobody makes donations, all copies of both games will be doled out in this way.
So what are you waiting for? Donate or drop me a line!
I’d love to donate or drop you a line, but I already have both games, and precisely on Steam… maybe when another offer turns up?
In other news, you haven’t played Portal? Come on, it’s short, so there is no excuse for not playing it. And it’s one of the most original games I’ve every seen.
Heh, no, I have not played it. I hang my head in something loosely resembling shame.
Though, to be fair, it has as much to do with the fact that I’m not the world’s biggest fan of the Source engine as with anything else. That…and I tend to give most first-person games a pass almost by default these days.
Oh yeaaah. Niceone.. Any chance of the same giveaway with vintage Ultima gear :*grin* hehe
I’d…have to probably somehow magically convince David Watson to chip in a hand-made Ultima crossbow to next year’s draw. Which, barring some manner of miracle, I just don’t see happening.