Style thyself as a Knight of Monitor
Fetching, no?
As part of her Serpent Isle fandom, however, she posted a…well, let’s call it a special Halloween video. For those who remember the scene from Serpent Isle depicted in the screenshot above and to the right, this will be familiar:
A fine rendering of the Wolf insignia!
You know, half of this site’s purpose is enabling (and praising) just this sort of geekery from Ultima fans. (Yeah, really.) Well done, thou daughter of Britannia!
At first I thought this was rather silly, but the more I watched, her passion shines thru–You can’t deny her enthusiasm, and she’s really having fun with it! 🙂
To be honest, there was a time in my life that I wanted to put together a full costume of the Avatar from the cover of Ultima V.
Never got past step one, but it was fun to muse while I perused the Renn Faire booths.