Shattered Moon gets a facelift!
Shattered Moon contacted me about the possibility of jettisoning Drupal as the content management system for Shattered Moon, the home page of his Classic Ultima Online project. I built the first page for him way back when, and I certainly didn’t mind doing so again, so per his request I set him up with WordPress instead.
The results:
Old and busted!
New hotness!
Anyhow, this is as good a time as any to give Shattered Moon’s project another shout out. Though his ultimate goal is to develop a framework “that will allow users to create and publish classic Ultima-style online games,” the major achievement of his project thus far is the release of a multiplayer client for Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar. And it really is quite good; I’ve messed around with it before and remember enjoying it greatly.
You can grab the client either from the project entry here (linked above) or from Shattered Moon’s download page; either way, pick it up and give it a try. The server shard supporting it is still very much up and running!
This is also a fine opportunity for me to remind any aspiring project developers, or any project developers who don’t currently have an online space for their project, that Aiera has plenty of space to share, and would thus gladly host, for free, a website (over which the developer would have full control) for any Ultima-related or Ultima-inspired project.
I wish someone would start a weekly Classic UO gaming club or something. I’d be in like Flynn.
That’s…not a bad suggestion, actually. I’mma write that one down (or save it to Instapaper, as the case may be).
Is this the online Ultima remake where there’s a live A/V stream of people playing it, with incessant combat and cool metallic clanging sounds? I tripped out when I watched it but forgot the game/URL.
I believe you are thinking of EUO ( It is technically not an Ultima game, but it does use some of the Enhanced Ultima 4 tileset and makes you pray at shrines to level up.
I haven’t tried EUO, but the idea of a permadeath ruleset server is intriguing.