Dragonlet #2 is arriving today (update!!!)

We’re back at the hospital (if you were following my Twitter feed yesterday night, you’ll know the story) and it’s definitely not a false alarm this time. The Dragoness will be having this baby to-day!

So…I may be offline for a few days, or at least less present in the online realm.

But: yay!

Update: It’s a girl!

10 Responses

  1. Wonderful news!
    All my best to Mama Dragon and the hatchling! 🙂

  2. Handshakes says:


  3. Sslaxx says:

    Going to be like Linus Torvalds then and surrounded by young beautiful girls? *grins*

    What does #1 make of it?

  4. Sergorn says:

    Congratulations 😀

  5. Johnny says:


  6. fearyourself says:

    Congratulations 😉

  7. Iceblade says:

    Congratulations. So two dragonelles.

  8. wtf_dragon says:

    Thanks, everyone!

    And since Sslaxx asked: Dragonlet #1 is pretty stoked for the arrival of Dragonlet #2, and has already volunteered to hold the baby, give the baby kisses and hugs, and be “nice” to the baby (which translates, in D1’s terminology, to gently stroking the baby’s hair).

    Although she did lay down the law this morning and decree that the baby was NOT allowed to play with her toys. Not that I expect Dragonlet #2 is going to have the ability or desire to go motoring around the kitchen on Dragonlet #1’s foot-powered toy car for…a while, at least.

  9. Firstknight says:

    Congratulations also from me.

    Oh, and girls are soooo cute in the first years (mine is 6 years old now).

    But i’ve been told, that later they get more expensive for fathers than boys do (because of all this beauty stuff, hehe).

  10. wtf_dragon says:

    Thanks, Firstknight!