Added: Ultima 6 Minecraft Conversion
Now, I don’t know if the Rules of the Internet state, at any point, that any articulated idea will, after a set time, be found online…but we had that rule in computer engineering, and it usually worked. awesome is this?
Ian Albert may be known to some of you Dragons and Dragonettes already, for his excellent 1:1 maps of Ultima 6 and Ultima 7. (By “1:1”, I mean that one pixel on the map equals 1 pixel in the game…so yes, the maps are massive indeed.)
Building off of his work with Ultima 6, he created a Java application that took the data from the original Ultima 6 map data files and converted it into a blocky 3D world within Minecraft. The conversion is nearly perfect, apart from a few small edits made to get around specific issues with the Minecraft engine. (For example, two trees near Nicodemus’s house had to be deleted because they were catching fire and burning down half of Britannia.) He also had to make some lengthy connective corridors in order to properly link together those dungeons that cross-connect in the original game.
I’ve added a project entry for it; you can download the necessary world file for Minecraft there. You’ll need a copy of Minecraft Alpha to play it, though.
Can’t say Minecraft interests me much, but I do think that is pretty interesting!
It’s nothing if not an excellent effort, to be sure. And detailed, besides!
In answer to your question: It is pretty darn awesome.
It seems like members of the Ultima community are more than usually productive and engineer-minded folks. I want to get my mention on Ultima Aiera for some cool Ultima project, but how am I supposed to compete with this stuff? No fair, says I.
Eh, don’t let any one particular project floor you. If you picked up an old copy of RM2K and cranked out a somewhat JRPG-looking remake of Ultima 2, I’d stil gladly post it on the site.
Yeah, there’s an obvious talent gradient in the community…but that’s just humanity at work. At our core, we’re all Ultima fans: we’ll play Ultima 9 with its gorgeous 3D world and we’ll play Ultima 1 with its line art and ASCII graphics; we’re not really that picky about how something looks, as long as it feels like an Ultima when you play it.
can we have a video of it in Minecraft, for those who don’t have time to install it?
With all the traffic it’s getting, I’m sure it won’t be long before just such a video hits YouTube.
Pursuant to this: if anyone makes or becomes aware of just such a video, let me know and I’ll post it!