The much-belated picture of Dragonlet #2!
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This is from the ultrasound the Dragoness went in for a few months ago. We are expecting the second Dragonlet in November, although s/he weighs in at about 4 pounds already with the better part of nine weeks to go!
Thanks kindly!
This is so totally amazing and it really takes my breath each time – it’s nothing less than a wonder!
To quote it in the words of Yes (my favorite band of all times): “Sing when open hearts are calling,
Shout with open eyes – To the miracle of life”
Congrats! We are expecting our first in 3 weeks and he is already 7.7 lbs!!! Hope my wife can push him out!!!
@Toltec: Thanks kindly! It is a wonder and a miracle.
We actually had a second ultrasound a while ago (the doctor thought something might be wrong; turned out to be a false alarm), and the Dragoness got a very close-up look at #2’s wee face on the display.
Her assessment: “Button nose! So cute!”
@Saxon: Really? Congratulations, guy! That’s awesome!
I too hope that your wife is able to deliver him…as much of a struggle as it can be, it’s usually easier to recover from a “normal” birth than a C-section. But given how much babies grow in the final few weeks, your wee one should hit about the 8.5 lb mark, which is on the high end of normal (but still quite manageable).
In other words, I’m sure she’ll do fine. Even so, we will keep you and your wife in our prayers.
Yes I sure hope so and thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
We’ll have to do our part to keep Ultima alive with our offspring.
Quick question, how can I change my avatar so it doesn’t look like a purple sponge bob? I went into my profile and I dont see how to do it.
Oh, Saxon…if you don’t indoctrinate your kid into the awesomeness of Ultima, well…that’s just unacceptable, isn’t it?
By the way: if you want, feel free to drop me an email with the birth announcement; I’d be happy to give the news a shout-out on the site here.
As to profile pictures, the site is set to generate automatic monsterform avatars for anyone who a) doesn’t have a Gravatar and/or b) isn’t commenting under the email address their Gravatar is assigned to.
So if you want to get rid of the ugly purple thing, set thee up a Gravatar.
Ok thanks that’s awfully nice of you!!!
My boy’s birth announcement could be on an Ultima related website…awesomeness
It’s up to you, and your wife of course, but I’d totally be game.
Ok sir I would totally appreciate that so I will keep in touch. Not yet…:)
We await word!
Cael Pearson the future Ultima fan came into this world of Earth on Saturday Oct 2nd, 2010 at 3:09pm. 7.7 lbs and 19 1/4 inch long beautiful and healthy baby boy!