I'm beginning to understand the power of Minecraft

Not that I stalk Paul Barnett’s Twitter feed or anything, but I admit to being intrigued by this tweet he posted earlier in the month. Honestly, I hadn’t heard of Minecraft before then, and I did a bit of research. I came away with the impression that it was, in a sense, the ultimate in sandbox gaming; you could make almost anything with it — albeit out of blocks measuring a cubic metre.

Then I found this:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn2-d5a3r94&fs=1&hl=en_US&hd=1]

Holy freaking crap!

Suddenly, I’m beginning to see the potential in Minecraft, and its power. Indeed, but for the fact that I’m consumed with worldbuilding for what we in the team have kind of come to know as Ultima Return, I’d be tempted to grab a copy and start building a 1:1 scale model of Britannia.

Which, by the way, would be an excellent undertaking, in case any of you Dragons or Dragonettes are into that sort of thing.


Update: this is cool too…a working 16-bit processing unit built inside Minecraft. Cuh-huh-hrazy!

6 Responses

  1. Draken says:

    if you ever decide on starting building that 1:1 scale Brittania, give me a call, I’d love to help!

    • wtf_dragon says:

      I suppose the first task would be to find a good rendering of the in-game world map, preferably at 1:1 pixel resolution, and then scale it down to make it 1m/pixel…

      …hmmm, I have some googling to do.

  2. Fenyx says:

    Must not get distracted from current projects…
    Must not get distracted from current projects…
    Must not get distracted from current projects…
    Maybe I’ll just take a quick peek…

  3. wtf_dragon says:

    My thoughts exactly…