Epic Mickey Introduction
Junction Point has released the introductory video for Warren Spector’s Epic Mickey:
Silly mouse! You ruin everything!
First impressions: they definitely do a good job of capturing the “old school” Mickey Mouse here, both in terms of his mannerisms and his mischief. It’s sometimes easy to forget that Mickey was, in his earlier incarnations, something of a hellion, but he’s in fine form here.
Graphics wise, it’s about as good as anything else on the Nintendo Wii…definitely at the upper end of quality for the system, though perhaps dated-looking for those of us who are used to playing each new graphics subsystem-melting action title. The textures are also a bit flat in places, but hardware has always been the Wii’s weak point. Then too, Nintendo has never really targeted the heavy graphics and action gaming market. Nintendo games are casual games more often than not.
The first half of the sequence is classic Disney, really, but the second half is classic Spector, which is to say that it completely upends established conventions (as far as Mickey Mouse cartoons go) and mixes in a substantial measure of darkness and twistedness. It’s good stuff, for the most part.