The epic Epic Mickey bundle
My apologies for the title; the pun was irresistible.
Anyhow, it looks like former Ultima developer Warren Spector’s upcoming game for the Nintendo Wii, Disney’s Epic Mickey, is getting the ol’ Collector’s Edition treatment.
Actually, this does look pretty cool.
The $69.99 bundle includes everything seen in the image above: A copy of the game, a pair of skins for the Wii, a faceplate for your Wiimote, a DVD containing behind-the-scenes videos and other marketing materials, some special packaging and a five-inch vinyl figurine modeled after the game’s falsetto protagonist.
I bought my wife a Wii for Christmas last year, and I honestly keep forgetting we have the darn thing (she’s the console gamer, not me). Still, I might just have to check this game out…and I have to admit that I am just a little bit tempted by this package. The Wii is aesthetically pleasant in its design, but its white shell is rather plainspoken, whereas this skin for it has all the right kinds of randomness and contrast.