Although rendered somewhat obsolete by Pentagram, Gaseous Dragon’s Windows patch for Ultima 8 (which, yes, is now once again available for download) still has a niche to fill while Pentagram remains unfinished.
[tag]Pentagram[/tag], the remake that does for [tag]Ultima 8[/tag] what [tag]Exult[/tag] did for [tag]Ultima 7[/tag], has posted news of their development progress for the first time since last December. The team, it seems, has been busy indeed! In the last few months, interest in Pentagram seems to have picked up again.…
There have been a few minor updates made around the remake community in the past week or so. Ultima III for Mac I must have not noticed this before, but LairWare have a forum up for their port of [tag]Ultima 3[/tag]. Ultima 6 Project Zephyr let slip in the project…