Richard Garriott Is Holding An Apocalypse Party

Yahoo! News, via Reuters, is reporting that Richard Garriott will be — and probably is right now, really — holding an elaborate party at his Austin estate to welcome the end of the world per the Mayan Calendar.

Or, you know, not:

While he may not buy predictions for the end of the world on Friday, the man known for grandiose parties is planning his most elaborate soiree ever – just in case.

Two years in the planning, the party will take guests through games, challenges and performances by hedonists, evangelists, UFO watchers and transcendentalists, all set up in camps along mythical ley lines, or earthly energy fields, which they say crisscross the Garriott de Cayeux property in Austin.

Guests will be asked to think throughout the evening about what they would have done differently in their lives if the world did actually end, and whether, if they got a do-over, they could commit to living a passionate life without regret.

Near midnight, guests plan to witness the end of the world against the breathtaking backdrop of a two-story Mayan temple built on the banks of Lake Austin.

Proceeds from the $1,000 per ticket event will go to the X Prize Foundation, an educational nonprofit that encourages exploration, technological breakthroughs and other advancements through competition. The 144-seat event was nearly sold out on Thursday.

“I’m pretty sure the world will end with the expansion of the sun, which will envelope all the inner planets,” said Garriott de Cayeux, 51, who wore a Mayan headdress at a dress rehearsal on Wednesday night. “But I think we have a little while yet.”

This would explain the recent tweets posted by Ben “Bandit LOAF” Lesnick, who moved to Austin about a month ago to take on a dream job working with Chris Roberts on Star Citizen.

Well, it certainly looks like fun. And let’s face it: in case the world does happen to end, you just know that Garriott has made sure his guests will have the best seats in Austin to watch it play out. Or to, you know, laugh heartily at all the paranoiacs from.

(Hat tip: Toryn Farr)

4 Responses

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    I wonder if he invited Paul Evans and associates.

    In any case, thanks for the pics Ben, bet it was a blast.

  2. Manhfr says:

    WTF, can you please get rid of that ugly background? I’m so sick of seeing it.

    • WtF Dragon says:

      I can, when I get back to the site in…well, maybe a week or so.

      Actually, I’m thinking of switching backgrounds on a…maybe monthly rotation.

      Maybe I’ll whip up a batch and let people vote for the ones they like when I get back.