Category: Wallpaper for the Week

Wallpaper for the Week

As the Codex of Ultima Wisdom reminds us, for many years the dungeon Covetous could only be accessed through its entrance on the banks of Lost Hope Bay. (Image via The Paper Wall.)

Wallpaper for the Week

The wallpaper feature is returning to the Views of Britannia theme this week. I thought it might be interesting to look for an image of…well, any sort of scene featuring two moons; one of...

Wallpaper for the Week

Right, so let’s return to the Views of Britannia series, shall we? If you remember the backstory of Ultima 5, you’ll recall that Lord British’s journey into the Underworld began in a cave behind...

Wallpaper for the Week

Wallpaper for the Week

I was all set to continue the Views of Britannia series…but then I saw this article at Niche Gamer, and in particular took note of the gorgeous screenshot of a dragon from Pillars of...