Travel Britannia Releases a Tourism Guide for the Serpent Isle

It has been a goodly while since we last heard from Great Siberian Dragon and her Travel Britannia project — a sendup, in the form of travel guides, of the different settings in the Ultima games.

Happily, the wait is over, and we are treated this week to a new travel guide for a luxury tour of the mysterious Serpent Isle. Albeit it’s difficult to tell exactly when the travel guide is set in the chronology of the land; previous travel guides have very obviously indicated what time frame they were set in relative to the Ultima game they were most directly referencing.

The guide even offers a handful of travel advisories concerning the wearing of Gwani furs and the possession of blood spawn. Notably absent — which strikes me as odd, given that the listed trip package prices are in Britannian gold — is the caution against mentioning Lord British to the people of the Serpent Isle.

And yes, you can also grab a copy of the guide from the Travel Britannia project entry here at the Codex.