The Dark Unknown: Saved Games Can Be Loaded; Bestiary Art; Cave Wall Code Improvements


Goldenflame Dragon has had a productive couple of weeks recently! Toward the end of January, he was able to implement loading of saved games — an important feature for any RPG!

I have successfully loaded a game.

Not everything works from that point- I need to make it so start-of-turn effects on the player don’t go off when the game returns control to them (since it is, conceptually, the same turn as they already started where they saved the game), and not all the data is coming back quite properly, I think, based on the fact that the spawner horked when on its turn it tried to spawn a mob. But by god I’ll take it. I’ll finish cleaning it up tomorrow and hopefully I will save/load in the “done” category by the weekend.

A day or so later, improvements had been made:

I did it. I loaded a game and took my turn and everything went on as normal. I’m sure there are still things that will turn out to be buggy, and I haven’t tested saving with spell effects on you yet, but I have saved and was able to go on to play, and that’s a really huge milestone.

More recently, he set about the task of improving some of the game’s codebase:

Cave walls are now more generic (they have weird special code that used to be hard coded to caves), which allows me to use them in the new Underwater Grotto dungeon I am currently building and am really excited about.

Oh, and it sounds like the game’s manual is going to have a very visually pleasing Bestiary section:

I am thrilled to announce that the almanac’s Bestiary art will be created by the talented Indi Martin of Tortoise & Hare Creations! Could not be more pleased.

Hopefully Goldenflame will furnish us with some screenshots of the new dungeon he’s working on in the near future!