Shards Online: Kickstarter Successful; PayPal Pledging Coming Soon (Correction!)

Shards Online

The Shards Online Kickstarter campaign has come to an end, raising a quite respectable $105,717 to support the completion of the game’s alpha build. There was really quiet a nice uptick in pledging as the campaign drew to a close:

Shards Online: Play by your rules -- Kicktraq Mini

Citadel Studios, for their part, have posted a highlight video detailing some of their favourite footage from the various showcases of Shards they released.

I wasn’t able to tune in, but I gather that during the campaign wrap-up stream, they also announced that they’ll be adding PayPal pledging to the Shards website in the near future (December 15th seems to be “the day” for that…). Moreover, funds accrued through the Shards website will be put toward the next batch of stretch goals announced only a few hours prior to the end of the Kickstarter campaign.

The First Age of Update: A small correction to the above: the Pledge page at the Shards website is now live, and the Kickstarter tiers and rewards will be available thereat until the 15th. After that date, new tiers and rewards will be swapped in.