Shroud of the Avatar: Fourth (and Final) Unity Scene Jam On Now!

Details for the fourth and final Unity Scene Jam were posted to the Shroud of the Avatar website yesterday, accompanied by this video of a very youthful-looking Rustic Dragon explaining what this weekend’s challenge entails:

For this Scene Jam, you’ll pick any piece of Stephen’s concept art, create it in Unity, and tell the rest of the story. Show us what lies beyond that mouth to the cave, what is behind those ruined castle walls, or what lies deeper into that forest. Scoring will be based 1/3rd on how well are able to capture the essence of the original concept and 2/3rds on scene you create beyond the concept.

The first three Scene Jams have prepared you and now the reins are off. While there are some guide lines and rules below, remember to have fun and be creative! Go forth and create awesomeness!

The ten pieces of concept art that would-be builders can choose from are of course included with the update at the Shroud of the Avatar website. Good luck to all competitors in this final challenge!