Resignation Letter

I resigned from my job a few days ago. Here’s most of the text of the letter I submitted to my team, informing them of my pending departure:

November 22nd, 2013, will be my last day as an employee of Honeywell. Alas, five years is far too short a time to work amongst such excellent and admirable cyber security experts. The people on the IITS team really are an amazing lot; you can get to know them and foster camaraderie in a month, and yet after years of working together they can still surprise and inspire you.

Okay, okay, okay…I’ll stop butchering Tolkein now. Not that the above sentiments aren’t true, mind.

This has been the most dynamic and adaptable team of people I’ve ever had the privilege of working with; it has weathered organizational changes and staff turnover with grace and flexibility, and risen to the challenges posed by many clients and projects.

Equally, I can’t recall another workplace at which I felt so personally invested in the success and growth of the team I was on. It has been my great joy to see the team’s processes shift and accelerate in response to the tools I have helped develop and maintain, and I am proud to mark that as my (hopefully) lasting contribution to the future of IITS. I wish the team and each member thereof success in all future endeavors, personal and professional alike.

“The Road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, and I must follow, if I can, pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way, where many paths and errands meet.”