Take the Test of Virtue on Facebook

I suspect that slashgravatar has had quite a lot to do with this. It’s a Facebook page whereat you can answer period questions from the classic Test of Virtue, as featured in various entries in the Ultima series from Ultima 4 onward.

The short description that graces the page’s header explains the page thusly:

This is a place to discuss the endless dilemma of virtues.

Judging by the introductory post to the page, Virtue quandaries will be posed on a weekly basis:

I am the gypsy. I’ll provide a question weekly. Join me in the Quest to find the Avatar of Facebookness.

And the first question is already up:

Entrusted to deliver an uncounted purse of gold, thou dost meet a poor beggar. Dost thou A) deliver the gold knowing the Trust in thee was well-placed; or show Compassion, giving the Beggar a coin, knowing it won’t be missed?

Hopefully, the page will see some interesting discussions emerge around the concept of the Eight Virtues and the moral dilemmas posed thereby. If nothing else, though, it’s always fun to remember the questions themselves, for how many times we’ve all had occasion to answer them.