Bethesda Thursdays

Dishonored has been a critical and commercial success for Arkane Studios and publisher Bethesda Softworks, and that makes it a franchise in the latter’s eyes. So…expect a sequel. And more DLC. id Software’s Rage, meanwhile, is probably out of luck.

The game is also on sale this week if you happen to be an Xbox Live Gold member.

GameInformer published a Skyrim retrospective recently, and then a fairly brief one. (The game itself is anything but brief, of course.)

The Elder Scrolls Online‘s closed beta is expanding, with new invites being sent out. Zenimax Online also gave us a look at the process of creating the Kwama (a race of monsters in the game), which also showed off how first-person combat will work in TESO. Massively also published some thoughts about how dungeons are presented in the game.

CGMagazine, meanwhile, managed to catch up with Paul Sage, The Elder Scrolls Online’s creative director, for a short interview.

And OpenMW evidently had a fairly slow week. The team seems to be on summer break, with a few exceptions.

6 Responses

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    Any company with a name like “id” was doomed from the start. Maybe they should have been named “Super-id-ego”. A shame since they release older engines as open source sans non-code assets. A solid thing for them to do (thanks id for Nexuiz, OpenArena and more).

    I’d like id to start work on something experimental and less like a FPS. Maybe Microsurgeon or White Water! by Imagic. Like Portal is to Half Life, something cleaner and more enjoyable. id doing games with more ambitious mechanics and less reliance on 3rd party assets would be awesome. Indie id, they’d call it; small budget but tight mechanics.

    • WtF Dragon says:

      I dunno…id has been around for a long time now. And in some respects, they’re like the Epic in Bethesda’s stable of studios; they may not produce all that many games anymore, and their games might not be all that and a bag of chips, but they produce solid engines…and continue to thrive on that basis.

      • Cash says:

        id is just a shadow of the past today, lost his legacy about graphic inovations and multiplayer. Bethesda likes to display his new toy John Carmack (R), selling his legacy with arguments as “more history” and keeps the guy almost relevant.

        After Doom 3, id software starts just to fall, now is just another studio inside a studio.

        Dishonored did not deserve many congratulations, very predictable and simple, good story, but very linear however much you try to “invent” ways. Same line of Bioshock Infinite, good marketing games, nothing new, just well developed.

        About The Elder Scrolls… Skyrim is a lazy fusion between Fallout 3, Oblivion and MMO. The Elder Scrolls now is a pathetic RPG with no consequences and kids have fun history time.

  2. cor2879 says:

    I’m pretty sure Bethesda is just trolling the gaming community at this point by not releasing at least some tidbit of teaser info about Fallout 4. Blasted trolls.

    • Infinitron says:

      They’re probably very busy upgrading their aging technology for the next generation of consoles.

      • Sslaxx says:

        Considering they’ve been using iterations of the same engine since before the original XBox, I doubt that very much.