Sanctimonia: Progress Report

Kevin Fishburne tweeted a few times over the weekend about the current state of his Ultima-inspired MMORPG game Sanctimonia.

As we have been announcing on the Digital Lycaeum, Kevin has been creating sound effects for his project and releasing them as public domain. This allows anyone to use these high-quality sound effects for any project, without limitation!

He also notes in his progress report that he has implemented sound effect sequences to use the footstep sound effects (and eventually other effects), implemented a digital “cloth map”, changed the minimap to a circle rather than a square, created new artwork, added several new systems, and fixed several bugs.

Take a look at the full progress report here.

I’m very excited about two of the features on his latest screenshots; the recently implemented cloth map and the horizon bar that shows the time of day, weather, and the moons. The featured image above was my attempt to show them off, but cropped below the horizon bar. Click here to see the full image.