Bethesda Thursdays

You’ll all be both happy and sad, I’m sure, to know that Skyrim works great with the Occulus Rift…until you have to access a menu of some kind.

On the other hand, if VR support in the game doesn’t much interest you, perhaps the rumours of a Lengendary Edition release of the game will? Possibly coming your way on June 26th? Well, okay, what about June 4th? It includes all the DLC. No?

The latest DLC for Dishonored, The Knife of Dunwall, continues to garner positive — though not quite rave — reviews. Some felt it too short, or perhaps incomplete as a story, although evidently there are more DLC in the works that may address the latter concern.

Bethesda also announced recently that they would be publishing The Evil Within, the upcoming Shinji Mikami survival horror game previously known by the code name Zwei. It may also be known by the code name Endless Summer, as that is the name of a survival horror game associated with Bethesda that has appeared before the Australian Classification Board for rating.

At any rate, The Evil Within is supposedly a branier game rather than a horror shooter.

In other news, Zenimax Online is hiring a Senior QA Engineer to support development of The Elder Scrolls Online.

And the OpenMW team are approaching their next release. Zini, from the Titans of Ether, has been working on the editor for the engine, as well as with merging in preparation for the upcoming release.

1 Response

  1. cor2879 says:

    Hey Bethesda… how about some Fallout 4 news already!?