Mark Lemmert says:
WtF Dragon says:
Mark Lemmert says:
Mark Lemmert says:
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WTH? why does trinsic have only 3 buildings and no walls
The walls are indeed absent. However, in Ultima 4, Trinsic comprised just three buildings, so in terms of the number of structures they’ve got it era-appropriate.
hrmm, they took this one a little to literal for me. Weren’t town sizes in Ultima Iv limited by machine memory to only x number of tiles so every town was exactly the same size? But ultima forever nonetheless has a pretty beefy Britain, certainly because it is big in other ultimas. So why not Trinsic, which is represented as rather large in U6, U7, and UO?
Apart from making Britain a player hub (and thus larger), it would seem that Mythic are trying to avoid straying too far from the world design of U4.
Yes, town sizes in the original were limited by memory. It’s arguable that Ultima Forever is limited by cost (and large cities are expensive), I suppose…but more than that, Mythic are treating U4 as established canon, and building to that spec.
Apart, that is, from the vanishing wall. Not sure what’s up with that. I should ask.
It’s not Trinsic without a wall?!