Ultima Forever: Lord British Approves

It would seem that Ultima franchise producer Jeff Skalski and BioWare Mythic creative director Paul Barnett caught up with (and were treated to lunch by) Ultima creator Richard Garriott at GDC Online, and couldn’t resist showing off what they were up to with the Ultima namesake.

And Garriott, for his part, gave it a “thumbs up”.

2 Responses

  1. Bedwyr says:

    This… actually is impressive. It shows RG is still a good bloke and isn’t too put out (publicly) that the torch is being carried on without LB at the helm.

  2. Bandit LOAF says:

    I spoke to Richard about this yesterday. He has NOT played the game, but he does genuinely believe that the team behind the game has the best intentions and isn’t creating some kind of cash-in.