Get Your Face In the Serpent Isle Remake

Thepal has posted some additional details about how you — yes, you! — can get your face into his Oblivion-based remake of Serpent Isle:

Ultima has a long tradition of putting faces of Origin employees, friends and fans into the game. In continuing that tradition, I have decided to start creating characters that look like fans of the Ultima series. If you want to be a part of this, simply send in photos of your face to thepal [at] . Include any recommendations or requests for who you become in the game. If you want to alter your face and apply for more than one person, then that is fine too (as long as you actually look different). I won’t be too strict with people looking like the original characters (though I will try to find matches). This is our game. We can alter it a little (and besides…80s hairstyles are so…80s). Also, let me know what you would like to be put in the credits for you (eg, ‘John “MyName Dragon” Smith’, ‘MyNickname’, ‘John Smith’), and also if you are ok with me putting up before and after pics of you and your character (ie, showing your photos and the end result on the website).

I need the photos to have neutral expressions (don’t smile/frown/raise eyebrows/etc), with a few different angles including front and a couple of sides. For the side shots, it is helpful if I have one that is at an angle where your nose just doesn’t go past your cheek…and another from a bit more of an angle where your nose does go past…More angles are always helpful as well, if you want to go to the effort. Try and keep in a neutral white light with no shadows.

He has posted a few sample pictures on his website, demonstrating the different angles from which you should photograph your face. Also:

While I’m at it, I might as well ask…Decent hairstyles for Oblivion are somewhat lacking (even in mods). If anyone is a modeller and wants to donate some hairstyles to the cause then that would be awesome.

In my experience, the most difficult people to find for any project are 3D artists, but…well, Dragons and Dragonettes, if you have some skill in that area, do consider lending Thepal a helping hand.

4 Responses

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    I need photos like that too, especially the neutral/natural facing-forward type. This news excites me, as I love finding creative ways to create character portraits. Good job and I’d love to see the new faces on characters regardless of their hair model. I’m doing similar things but separating the main features and recombining them. Ideally people’s hair pre-photograph should be swept or tied back so it covers their face less if hair is being alpha’d away for a CG (or 2D) replacement.

    What would be really cool is if each model took several photos to represent finite physical and emotional responses (let’s say four). You could have the following facial combinations based on your stats or mood: neutral/passive, frightened, angry, contemplative. Same, face-forward perspective for each expression would render great in-game visuals.

  2. Thepal says:

    Oblivion does the emotions for me, so I just need the neutral expressions. I do like that you (Sanct) plan on changing your portraits based on how the characters feel (Iolo and Spark’s portraits changing in U7 was a small piece of awesomeness in that game)

  3. EnderAndrew says:

    There should be some hair resources for Oblivion for modders to use on PES and TES Nexus.