Unboxing Autoduel

Old Games Italia has continued their Retrounboxing in White Gloves feature with another Origin game. This time, they’ve stepped a little further into the past, and are featuring Richard Garriott and Chuck Bueche’s RPG/driving title, Autoduel.

Have a watch, and a laugh:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V149sycYQvg&w=480&h=360]

Charlie Chaplain flashbacks!

Autoduel, of course, kept up with the Origin Systems tradition of having a trinket in the box, in this case a miniaturized tool set. Various manuals and pamphlets — including an advertisement for Ultima 5 t-shirts, apparently — round out the package. And is it just me, or does the guy on the cover look an awful lot like the main character from the Crusader games?