Something, something, Lord of Ultima

Since I know you all care about this game so very much, I know you will all rush out right now and pick up the Google Chrome plugin/app that has just been released for it.

No? Anyone? No?

Okay, look, the more it rolls on and turns into a more or less straightforward clone of Evony (complete with busty women in its advertising), the less impressed I am with it. It is, very much, an Ultima game in name only.

Still, it bears reporting on, even for that little. Consider yourselves informed, and then go and watch Richard Garriott talk about storytelling in interactive games again.

3 Responses

  1. Sergorn says:

    The irony about this game is that it really seems like a big success as far as browser games goes. They keep opening more and more servers to support the game, which suggest they are getting more and more players.

    Oh well, if it allows more Ultima project to come forward, the more the better I guess 😛

  2. Severian says:

    I wonder if that new sims medieval game originally based on Ultima franchise…