Ashes progress update

Resle, one of the developers working on Ashes — an RPG inspired by Ultima with a home-made 3D engine powering it — gave a bit of an update on the project’s status in the project forum. Ashes is developing slowly at present:

What’s happening? Well yes, hiatus is a good word to describe what’s going on – but the developement heartbeats are just very slow – not absent. Ashes is in a controlled coma, so to say. There’s a long moment of unbalance between the time at MY disposal and Olly’s disposal. He’s quite free while my personal life/job is a bit of a mess now as I am in the process of moving back to my home city (long story).

The next build is going to feature:

  • Finished, polished combat
  • Finished, polished dialogues
  • Reworked GUI (more pratical, but arguably less nice to see – I.E.: no “live” paperdoll npc)
  • Particle system
  • beta magic
  • beta fully scheduled NPCs
  • beta menu

And thanks to Olly, lots of new graphics.

It’s good to hear that this promising project is still active. I look forward to the next release!

(Frothy mug of ale: Dino)