Infinity Eternal: Demo on the horizon

Submitted by: Thepal

Our team has been discussing many issues in relation to Infinity Eternal. Issues from magic systems to where mead will be bought are being discussed. One other thing came up… a demo.

We have decided that we will showcase our new Britannia by creating the Valorian Isles. We will be making it as complete as possible, as close to what it will be in the final game as we can. So it will include quests, several dozen NPCs, companions, music, and the world interactivity you would expect from an Ultima. We plan on releasing it within the next few months, though we will all be trying to get it done as soon as possible (without diminishing the quality).

So stay tuned. And keep your eye on the Media section.

1 Response

  1. Maricela Estrada says:
