237 Search results

For the term "anniversary".

Bethesda Thursdays

The weekly round-up of news related to Bethesda Game Studios and their excellent RPG series, The Elder Scrolls. And any other titles they might be working on.

The ZX Spectrum Turns Thirty Today

The ZX Spectrum — Sinclair’s “affordable home computer” — computer, one of the pioneering home computer systems of yesteryear, was released thirty years ago, and the Guardian has taken the opportunity to mark the occasion.

Ultima Underworld 3’s Storyline

Pix has evidently been sitting on a copy of a story document for Ultima Underworld 3 for a while now, and he posted it online as part of his own celebration of Ultima Underworld’s 20th anniversary!

Announcing: The Ultima Codex

The Ultima Codex, is the next phase in Ultima fandom online. I will no longer be posting news updates to this website. However, this site will remain online for the foreseeable future, both for reasons of posterity and as the home for the various project, utility, and patch downloads that were its beginning and which form its core. In time, these too will be moved over to The Ultima Codex, though it’s likely you’ll find them here for a long time to come as well.

Stephen Emond Needs Your Help! Again!

Stephen Emond Needs Your Help! Again!

Stephen Emond needs some information about whether certain international releases of various Ultima Online expansion packs were localized or not.