Creation takes time. Time is limited.

Lost Sosaria downloads

Lost Sosaria downloads

I’ve updated some of Lost Sosaria’s project files, and the new versions are now available for download. In particular, there is a new file for download that contains several key override packages necessary to...

A "final Cylon" theory

A "final Cylon" theory

I’ve been meaning to post this theory for a while now, but my wife hates spoilers…so I’m posting it here in the hopes that she doesn’t check Aiera all that often. Yeah, I know...

Download Upgrades

Download Upgrades

Fair warning for everyone: I’m thinking of installing a download manager on the site, so I apologize if, over the course of the next few days, downloads are a bit spotty (or outright unavailable)....

New Year's News

New Year's News

First off, Happy New Year to everyone. I hope that you were able to ring in 2008 in a way that was both safe and enjoyable for you and your friends or family; I...

Christ is Born!  Merry Christmas!

Christ is Born! Merry Christmas!

The Dragoness and I would both like to wish all our friends and family a holy, happy, and blessed Christmas season, and all the best for a prosperous new year. [image:139:c:s=1:l=p] (click on the...