Return to the Serpent Isle May Update
Not unlike the Titans of Ether, the team making this continuation of Serpent Isle doesn’t have a lot to report this month. However, they do report that they have developed a working food system,...
Not unlike the Titans of Ether, the team making this continuation of Serpent Isle doesn’t have a lot to report this month. However, they do report that they have developed a working food system,...
Archon team member Niko hints, in his latest dev diary, that the 1.0 release of the Ultima 6 Project is nearly upon us, and teases in a video a handful of examples of his...
The Titans don’t have much to report on at this time, although we do bid team member Direhaggis congratulations for being granted his Ph.D! Other highlights from the report include Zini’s brief mention of...
Labyrinth of Worlds was intended to be a “from the ground up” remake of Ultima Underworld 2, complete with 3D character models. It never made it to completion (a fate shared by many projects...
L@Zar0, the fella who alerted me to the existence of the aforementioned Spanish translations of Serpent Isle and The Silver Seed, also posed a question that I didn’t have an answer to. It concerns...
I’ve restored the download link for the Ultima Underworld 2 Character Editor. It’s a simple little utility, command line-based if memory serves, for modifying character statistics in…well…Ultima Underworld 2. Also, I’ve just been informed...
Okay, since I’m sick and tired of the site languishing like this, it’s time to get back into gear and restore the damn downloads. My goal is one restored download a day; if I...
I’ve just been informed that my uncle, Robert Kelly, has passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. He was the youngest of my Mom’s seven siblings, and not a particularly large number of years older than...
My web host upgraded the database security settings, and must have used some sort of automated system to automagically parse through my sites to identify configuration files with database access information. Where it detected...
Blair Leggett contacted me via email to alert me to his online, Flash-based remake of Ultima 4…which looks really darn cool, actually. Go and check thou it out, good reader! And while you do...