Creation takes time. Time is limited.

Restored: EUO

Restored: EUO

Max Breedon’s Ultima 5-like online RPG is once again available for download. I should have the Online Remakes category restored completely come Monday. Which will be awesome.

Restored: everything Ultima Online

Restored: everything Ultima Online

That’s right: both Ultima: Iris/Iris2 and the old data files for Ultima Legacy are once again available for download. Although, in the case of Iris2, the download links are actually to their hosted files...

Ultima 6 Project Bug Warning

Ultima 6 Project Bug Warning

The good folks at Team Archon have posted a notice concerning a plot-stopping bug in version 1.0 of the Ultima 6 Project: Team Archon is currently working on a patch (1.0.1) to address some...

On Twitter, by any chance?

On Twitter, by any chance?

If so, you should follow you some Ultima Tweeters. Like Aiera, for example. And also Team Return. If you know of any other Ultima fans who tweet, or Ultima-related Twitter feeds, drop ’em in...

Which reminds me!

Which reminds me!

Unless I am insane (and it is possible that I am), all of the Ultima 9 downloads have now been restored. Which means Ultima Online is up next. Little by little, this is getting...

Restored: Infinity Eternal

Restored: Infinity Eternal

This is (was?) another remake of Ultima 9, headed up by Thepal. It began using the Morrowind engine, and a demo (which is again available for download) was even released. At some point, Thepal...

Restored: Ultima 9 Music Decoder

Restored: Ultima 9 Music Decoder

Aquamarine Dragon’s simple utility for extracting the music files from Ultima 9 (and let’s be honest: Ultima 9 did have some beautiful music) is once again available for download.

Restored: the Ultima 9 Combined Patch

Restored: the Ultima 9 Combined Patch

Some years ago, Grandor Dragon and Novum Dragon produced a series of patches which overhauled the monster statistics, economy, and dialogue of Ultima 9, making for a generally better overall playing experience, assuming you...