Creation takes time. Time is limited.

Pentagram needs beta testers

Pentagram needs beta testers

Pentagram developer WJP remarked, in this thread at the Exult forums, that little in the way of development on Pentagram has been done this year. The cross-platform engine for Ultima 8 has been in...

Added: Ultima 5 for iPad

Added: Ultima 5 for iPad

I was alerted to the existence of this project on Tumblr (Aiera has a Tumblr feed; the developer followed it) a couple of days ago, and have taken the step of adding a project...

Found Image: Papa British on Skylab

Found Image: Papa British on Skylab

That would be NASA astronaut Owen Garriott, father of Ultima creator (and private astronaut himself) Richard Garriott (known to us all as, of course, Lord British). Here he is posing by a console aboard...

Restored: CCS64

Restored: CCS64

Another Commodore 64 emulator, this one specifically built for Windows and DOS, is once again available for download. It should be noted that Hakan Sundell’s emulator has been quite recently updated and supports everything...

It's looking like a slow news day…

It's looking like a slow news day…

…finally! Not that I’m complaining, mind you; I’ve been averaging about 740 visits a day (about half of them being uniques) over the past several days, and over 1000 visits a day (with about...

Paul Barnett: "Why games are important"

Paul Barnett: "Why games are important"

One more interesting thing from Paul Barnett’s Twitter feed for today. Here, he draws attention to a video he did for AbleGamers, a gaming news & reviews blog with a focus on disabled persons...

Restored: VICE

Restored: VICE

The Versatile Commodore Emulator began as a Linux-based emulator for the Commodore 64, which some of the earlier Ultimas were built for or ported to. It has since grown into a cross-platform project, with...

EA and Activision execs trade barbs

EA and Activision execs trade barbs

Apropos of the discussion that took place in this article, you Dragons and Dragonettes might be interested to read about a wee dust-up that took place between EA and Activision executives over the weekend:...