Crowfall: Valerie Massey Signs On; PayPal Pledges Now Accepted

Valerie Massey

Valerie Massey

The latest update posted to the Crowfall Kickstarter campaign page has a whole bunch of information in it, including the video which can be seen above.

We’ve put together a short video where a few of our team members summarize how character customization works: archetypes, skills, promotions and disciplines.

There’s also a second video, the third part of a lengthy interview with J. Todd Coleman. You can click on through to check that one out, but here’s the summary:

In this final segment, J. Todd Coleman (our Creative Director) talks about the narrative inspirations behind Crowfall, and the ideas that led him and Gordon to form ArtCraft Entertainment.

The biggest news in the update, however, is the addition of a new — and highly experienced — member to the ArtCraft Entertainment team:

…we are delighted to announce a new member of our team: Valerie “Pann” Massey, Community Director. Valerie has a wide foundation of MMO experience, including many years as the senior director of PR and community management EVE Online.

…and for those who might be curious — no, this doesn’t mean Tully is leaving us! It just means that he’ll be spending a LOT more time working as a game designer on Crowfall. We’re not replacing Tully…

There is now a week left in the Crowfall Kickstarter campaign; it has raised $1,227,870 as of this writing.

Oh, and it’s also worth mentioning that PayPal pledges are now being accepted at the Crowfall website (you’ll need to create a user account there to access the payment portal, however).