Ultima Forever & The Eight Virtues: Sacrifice

Mythic have once again updated the Ultima Forever Facebook page, kicking off another week of looking at one of the Eight Virtues in closer detail. This week, Sacrifice is the topic:

Happy Monday all!

This week we’ll be going over the Virtue of Sacrifice.

Sacrifice follows the principles of Courage and Love. It takes Love to create the desire for Sacrifice, and Courage to act it out.

Sacrifice is associated with the town of Minoc.

The symbol of Sacrifice is a single teardrop, and it’s associated player class is the Tinker.

The cavern against Sacrifice is the Dungeon Covetous.

The Mantra of Sacrifice is “Cah.” Its color is Orange.

How has Sacrifice been a part of Britannia over the years? Dupre may be the companion of Honor, but he demonstrated his ability to Sacrifice in Ultima 7 Part 2 – how did that affect you? Did you enjoy how Julia’s story worked out in Ultima 9?

Personally, I think Sacrifice and its practice have been one of the main reasons that I can’t personally view the Eight Virtues in an atomic, separate way, but instead find that I always have to view them in an integrated way. That’s because every Virtue, in some way or respect, will require Sacrifice to be exercised in order to carry it out. You see that in the case of Dupre, as noted above, but it’s equally true of even a small act of Compassion.

And once I begin thinking about how Sacrifice accompanies the other Virtues, I find it easier to see how each of the Eight Virtues complements the others.

Anyhow, I expect that we’ll get a look at Minoc on Wednesday, so be sure to check back!